Our curriculum features stories and examples taken from real life experiences of Korean North Americans (KNA) coupled with sound teachings from scripture. All of our lessons are intentionally written to spark conversations that will get young KNA Christians to start thinking and asking critical questions about the role of Christ in their lives. Based on research and a theological framework, our curriculum gives youth workers the tools to address topics like family, parent-child relationships, Korean culture, personal faith, dating, sexuality, natural gifts/talents, church, race, and global society — all through the lens of the Korean North American experience. Also, though G2G-KODIA is currently creating curriculum primarily for KNA youth and parents, we are planning to eventually transition to publishing curriculum for a broader audience of Asian North American youth and parents as well!

Student #1
Learned a lot, inspiring, simple. Thought-provoking, relevant, easy to follow.
Student #2
Teaches us in a way that’s easy to understand… got to know more about God.
Student #3
I liked the story, characters, and the attention to cultural and social background.
Teacher #1
The stories added pizazz, and I liked what they wanted us to learn.
Teacher #2
I found the notes for teachers were helpful and made teaching easier.

We also offer training and workshop for Youth Pastors, Leaders and Teachers for those who would like to use our curriculum. Please contact in the US or in Canada.